Andrea's Story

Andrea's Story

My name is Andrea Harris and I am 44 years old.  In October of 2009, the great love of my life asked me to be his wife.

In May of 2010, I found a lump in my left breast.  I knew something was seriously wrong when the sonogram technician kept rolling over the site of the lump asking me over and over, "So breast cancer does NOT run in your family?"

I had a mastectomy with immediate direct to implant reconstruction on June 1. The lab reports came back showing cancer had spread to one lymph node and as a result, I would need to start chemotherapy as soon as I healed from surgery.

I began chemo on July 12.  My chemotherapy will be over in September and I will then be given an estrogen-blocking drug for the next five years. I have an excellent prognosis.

Immediately after being told I had cancer, I made up my mind to face it like a survivor.  I have learned a great deal about life, myself, and the strength of  love my fiance and I share.  Life has become more precious.  Friendships have grown deeper. My  impending wedding has become more miraculous.

I love my life.  Nothing, cancer included, can rob me of the joys of living it.

Thank you for allowing me to share my story.

Andrea Harris