Plant a Pink Seed

Plant a Pink Seed

It's the first day of May and it finally feels like spring here in The Pink Cart's hometown of Grand Rapids, Michigan.The sun is out, grass is growing, trees are budding and all the neighbors are out tending to their gardens. People are planting their seeds and making plans for the beautiful flowers, herbs, vegetables and shrubs that will come to life later in the Summer.

These plans for new life seem to be revitalizing our communities and invigorating breast cancer advocates. From donating funds to participating in walks and volunteering, to raising awareness through community education efforts, our followers are passionate about ending this terrible disease. Our supporters are also organizing their communities to advocate for Pink Carts by writing letters to their haulers, rallying their neighbors, and spreading the word about Pink Carts to their friends and families. And it's working! These rolling trash carts are lining curbs across the country, raising awareness of the importance of early detection and representing funds raised for the local American Cancer Society chapters. So far, over 20,000 Pink Carts have been sold in the U.S. alone and we are well on our way to reaching 30,000 which would represent $150,000 for breast cancer awareness programs.

With Mother's Day just around the corner, spring is a reminder of the mothers, sisters, aunts, friends and the many women champions we have in our lives - survivors, advocates, caregivers and doctors that work every day to make a difference in the fight against breast cancer. We urge you to seize the spirit of the season and start planting your seeds for a better world! A world where every diagnosis is a product of early detection. A world where every breast cancer patient has the access and means necessary to receive the best possible treatment. A world where there is a cure and no woman dies from this disease. Best of all, a world without breast cancer.

How can you contribute to making a world without breast cancer? We have some ideas...

  • Advocate for Pink Carts! Use our toolkit to help bring Pink Carts to your community - raise awareness and raise funds for your local ACS chapter
  • Give out your Mother's Day gifts in a mini pink cart to help spread the word about our program
  • Volunteer with your local American or Canadian Cancer Society to help them provide support for breast cancer patients and their families
  • Sign up to walk in a Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event and raise funds for programs in your hometown
  • Use your social networks to spread the word about the importance of regular breast health exams and early detection in saving lives


These are just a few ideas, but we know you have many more. Tell us, how will you plant your PINK seed?